Hello there, Earth Caretakers!
Thank you for checking in for this edition of the Caretaker Update.

We are quite happy with the continuing success of the Earth Caretaker Way book on Amazon- and it is thanks to you all for believing in the vision that the caretaker spirit is spreading across the world. If you have not purchased a copy yet, feel free to follow this link to purchase a copy, and please leave a review! Also, if you would like to make a donation to our foundation you can do so here. Donations are used to support individuals who need some assistance to attend Headwaters Earth Caretaker and nature classes. Additionally, funds are being set aside to purchase parcels of land for the sake of conservation for wildlife and outdoor education- similar to the land which Headwaters is situated on currently. All donations are tax deductible. Stay tuned in future updates to learn more about land acquisition. We appreciate your generosity and support.

If you love a place, I mean if you really love a place, in your bones, in your blood… If you can’t stop thinking about that place, then stay and become the place. Stop looking so far away. You might find you’ve arrived Home, your place. It’s been waiting for you!
– The Earth Caretaker Way
Earth Caretaker Way Foundation:
Along with The Earth Caretaker Way paperback and kindle books, we have an audiobook in the works for a whole new way to experience the lessons and wisdom in the book- reminiscent of sitting around the campfire at Headwaters, hanging out with Tim and Julie (S’mores not included). We will keep you all posted on the release date of the audiobook.
We are in full-swing now at Headwaters with private schools from near and far attending our spring classes. With a surprise snowfall last week, mother nature is reminding us to expect the unexpected in the woods- in this case to keep some nice warm wool socks nearby just in case. This is also a reminder to stay curious as well! A fresh snowfall can be one of the best times for animal tracking. A fresh blanket of snow or a layer of mud can be a great way for us to easily see what animals always smell.

Speaking of which- registration is still open for our Nature Awareness Class, June 29th-July 5th, 2024, held on the Headwaters land near Mt. Shasta, California. This is an excellent class for beginners as well as advanced students to enhance their senses and tracking skills, which allows for a richer experience in nature. With this opened awareness you are able to see so much more of the world around you that’s always been there. The world is filled with highlights. For more information on this class and others, follow this link here.

Help us get the word out!! Whether its sharing information on social media, sharing our newsletters, buying a copy of The Earth Caretaker Way book or just telling someone about it! Help us continue to momentum. We are a team!
Caretaker Tip of the Month
Composting (continued):
This caretaker tip of the month is a special edition interview with Carly Marto, Lead Coordinator at Isla Vista Compost Collective in Goleta, California- an organization that helps local community members gain access to composting through a free composting service as well as maintaining designated community compost piles. One of our ECW team members, Jasper, was lucky enough to get to chat with Carly about tips for folks interested in composting. Below are the highlights of our conversation.
Jasper: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Carly! I know you're busy today so let’s just jump right in if that's cool. I’d love to start out with asking what interests you about composting?
Carly: I love the idea of waste reduction, especially looking at it hierarchically- the emphasis on using composting to recycle food not edible to humans or animals, only waste products, which then makes composting a sustainable practice on a community level because you won’t have an excess volume of inputs.
Jasper: Gotcha- so a waste free loop. Sounds simple enough- but it's not as easy as just piling up scraps and letting nature take care of the rest, right?
Carly: One of the most important things to keep in mind with composting is to maintain oxygen by exposing as much surface area of material to oxygen as possible throughout the process. This can be done by ‘turning’ or ‘flipping’ the pile and homogenizing the material in the pile.
Jasper: So the compost needs to breathe or else it will go stale?
Carly: Yeah, that and proper moisture is important to maintain. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a consistent moisture level like that of a wrung out sponge.
Jasper: So keeping a good balance of oxygen and moisture are two big factors. Anything else to keep in mind for good compost feng shui?
Carly: The right carbon/nitrogen ratio is also a good thing to keep in mind. For every 3 carbons you want 1 nitrogen. For example if you have 3 gallons of dry woody yard trimmings, you would want to balance that out with adding 1 gallon of wet smelly food scraps.
Jasper: So with that ratio you should get proper decomposition?
Carly: It's also important to have decomposers in there as well (like worms, ants, beetles, etc.) either through the ground, or by adding them yourself if your system is closed (compost roller, raised bed, etc.)
Jasper: Awesome, thanks so much for sharing your intel. Is there a good website for folks seeking out further info?
Carly: This website is basically the Bible of compost
Jasper: Amazing thank you for that and for taking the time! Happy composting!
From all of us at the Earth Caretaker Way Foundation, we wish you a joy-filled May and may your compost piles flourish! Stay tuned for more updates, and please let us know what you would like us to include in updates and newsletters.
Jasper and the ECWF team