Hello there, Earth Caretakers!
We hope you are enjoying the springtime unfurling- and for our friends in the southern hemisphere- the fall shedding. Change is in the air and we are excited to share some news and a Caretaker Tip!

The Book
We hope you have already ordered a copy of our new book- The Earth Caretaker Way - Please follow this link to order your copy on Amazon and we would of course love a review! All proceeds go to the foundation to support education, and land conservation.
Headwaters Outdoor School
We are busy getting started with our spring season at Headwaters Outdoor School. Don’t forget to sign up soon for our summer classes! We have two earth caretaker courses we are offering at the school; more info is available on the HWOS website.
Our Media
Tim Corcoran, Author of The Earth Caretaker Way and co-founder of Headwaters Outdoor School just had a great conversation with Leilani Navar. Hear it on the Turning Season Podcast, Episode 39.
Here's the episode on Spotify, and Apple.
More podcast episodes are available on our community page in the Podcast section!
Follow us on our Instagram for highlights and stories from members of the Earth Caretaker Community!
Caretaker Tip of the Month
Compost - Improves soil health, reduces landfill waste, helps you use less fertilizer, saves water, saves money, helps grow yummy food…it's the full-circle way!
Do you feel like you are throwing too much stuff in the trash can? Are you tired of the weight on your conscience knowing that your food scraps will be buried in a landfill instead of back into the food web where they belong? Currently, our waste statistics here in the US, according to the EPA, show that over 50% of our municipal solid waste that enters local landfills is organic, compostable materials. We can do better! Though you may not have a woodchipper or paperboard processor (that would be cool though), the numbers show that 24% of our landfill waste in the US is food. So even if you don’t have a local industrial composting system let's put a dent in those scary statistics, one home at a time.

Unfortunately, even though there are probably no fairies who can separate organic materials from the rest of our waste for us, there are worms! Let’s partner with the ants, worms, beetles, and the billions of microorganisms who are ready to get to work. Here we have included a diagram thanks to the EPA, as well as the 2023 edition of Oregon Metro’s composting ‘recipe for success’ digital guide here. If you are living in an urban setting, here is a great option to compost your food scraps so that they can be reused as chicken feed: https://www.mill.com/
Thank you all for your interest and support. Keep on caretaking!
If you wish to support this movement financially – we are currently accepting donations here. Donations are used to support scholarships for students to attend ECW classes. Additionally, funds are being set aside to purchase parcels of land for the sake of conservation for wildlife and outdoor education. Stay tuned in for future updates to learn more about land acquisition. Thank you for your generosity and support.
We want to give a special thanks to everyone who has followed us as the book was launched and word has spread. The community support we have received is remarkable and we are overjoyed to be on this journey with you.
Stay tuned for future updates here on the website or by joining our newsletter so you're the most up-to-date on further developments and Caretaker Tips!